Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I am convinced that our little guy is quite advanced and expressive for his meager 5 weeks of age.  Perhaps I enjoy this video a lot because I'm his mother, but seriously, aren't all of his different faces hilarious?  I love how he can run through almost the whole gamut of emotions in about 30 seconds.

While I'm waiting for the video to download...check out my creative husband's new use for ski goggles.  Tear free onion chopping!

And while I'm still waiting for the video to download, I suppose that I'll just stick some more photos of Ezra on here.

Run in the Park

Today Ezra had his first run in Central Park.  It was also mommy's first run in months.  We survived 5 miles.  As you can see Ezra looked pretty chill by the time we got home.  I, on the other hand, was a bit red in the face and very sweaty.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Beautiful Weed

5 WEEKS.  As in he's "growing like a weed."  They say that they grow quickly, but I never really understood just how quickly until now.  It's weird because I have such mixed feeling about it.  One part of me can't wait until he gets a little older and can interact a bit more and another part of me looks at pictures of him when he was just a few days old and wishes that he could have stayed so small and delicate for a bit longer. But most of me loves Ezra the way he is right now!  He seems so much older than he did even just one week ago...better adjusted to his new life.   He is more aware of what is going on around him and does a great job of following the sound of our voices with his eyes.  He can lift his head off of our chest and sustain it upright for several seconds.  Best of all he is smiling more and more...his smile melts my heart.  And check out the cheeks!  I think that he's beautiful.