Monday, May 4, 2009

Not the Cute Little Belly I Was Hoping For

One month to go.  Actually, let's not add any unnecessary days to the countdown...25 days to go.  It's not easy being HUGE.  This picture actually is flattering because I'm pretty sure I appear larger in real life.  I have dreams at least weekly in which I am running and I feel so light and fast.  I will get there again!  I already have the jogging stroller all set up and ready to go.  

I never knew that days could go by so slowly!  We are so ready for our little guy to come and the anticipation is killing me.  He seems very active and healthy.  Martin is convinced that all of the kicking is an effort to escape from the confines of my belly, but I told him that baby obviously  has plenty of room based on the size of my abdomen and that he shouldn't worry.   

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