Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Martin says funny things sometimes. Like today during my sonogram upon seeing the baby's profile. "Wow! It doesn't have much of a chin, does it? Definitely a girl. Or a very girly boy." Apparently, fetal chin shape can be a pretty accurate indicator of gender.

We're pretty excited.


  1. We are SOOOO excited for ya'll!! I have always wanted a girl, you will love all the pink, purple,and yellow clothes and bows...I guess I'm a little jealous, lol!! When's your exact due date?

  2. That's so exciting!! How close with Ezra and this little baby be? I've loved having my boys close together. It's tough at first, but sooo worth it!! Hope you're feeling good and all is well with this pregnancy. Sorry to hear about your Grandma. It's sweet to know she was able to say she loves you so much.

  3. Questions answered: January 3rd and 19 months apart.

  4. Hey, that's great news! I would have said the same thing if you said you were going to have another boy. But I am glad you're having a little girl.

  5. You're having another baby! A girl?? Congrats, so exciting!!!

  6. i love this! i'm going to start looking more closely at chins. can't wait to meet the little lady.
