Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Weekend in Vermont

We decided to escape Hurricane Irene by spending the weekend in Vermont with the Gilmores. We left Friday night and had a wonderful day on Saturday doing Vermont-y things.
Picnicking, cheese sampling, farm visiting....

Oh, the novelty of grass for a city baby!

We went to a petting barn and the highlights for the kids were the baby chicks and an old silo that was filled with feed corn for playing in.

I love these pictures of Ezra. He easily spent a very focused hour in the silo. Note that this is how little kids play in the corn.

And now for big kid play.

And then, it got a bit out of control. Somehow, Max convinced Ruby that she wanted to be buried in the corn, even after Luke's turn had just ended in tears.
This is a photo of Ruby, her presence carefully camouflaged by strategically placed tractors and buckets. Ruby's face is under the bowl on the left side of the pictures.

Ruby's face after the bowl was removed.  Not suprisingly, she cried too.

Saturday night we stayed in a cute little cottage and while we heard rain all night long, it wasn't until we got on the road in the morning that we began to realize that we did anything but escape the storm.  I've seen flooding many times before, but nothing like the flash floods that ravished little Vermont.  The expected three hour drive home turned into an 11 hour maze of a drive as we were forced to turn around again and again because of washed out roads and flooded bridges.  While I was tempted to feel sorry for myself because I was stuck in a car with a crying baby, our discomfort was nothing compared to the loss that we saw that day. My heart goes out to all the people who were impacted by the terrible flooding!  

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Your kids are growing up! Eric and I couldn't help but be so homesick that weekend!! It's good to see you guys are well!
