Monday, August 31, 2009

The Wiggles

So, I recently discovered that my son is capable of sitting independently for a short amount of time.  The secret is to sit him in front of the magical device know as the t.v!  But, of course, not just any t.v. show will do.  It has to be colorful, loud, and annoyingly upbeat.  "The Wiggles!"  I had no idea this show existed as of 3 weeks ago, but thanks to Netflix Instant Watch and the lovely invention of the Roku player I can now entertain my son long enough for me to get dressed, run a brush through my hair, and put on mascara. Being the good mother that I am, naturally I limit his viewing time to only a few songs at a time.   Here is a short video clip of him watching "The Wiggles."  You will notice that my highly advanced 3 month old actually has his own dance move that he performs periodically while watching.  It is the side closely and you will see him move his body in a delicate arch to his right while simultaneously raising his arms.  It's really quite brilliant (read with an Australian accent)!

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute in this video! He loves Wiggles! We like his dimple too.
